2012年10月8日 星期一


App Store URL:

Are you tired of adding the same reminders again and again?  Try SnapRemind!

SnapRemind is designed to quickly create reminders for events that occur again
and again in our daily lives.  For example, I use SnapRemind to help grocery shopping.  Since there are regular grocery items I need to buy, I put those items on SnapRemind.  Every time I just need a couple taps and the whole shopping list is on the iOS Reminders database.  It's that easy.


* SnapRemind makes use of the newest iOS Reminders API.  Once added, the reminders will appear in the iOS Reminders database.  If you use iCloud to sync reminders, the reminders can be accessed across all your devices with the Reminders
App on iOS and iCal on Mac OS X.

* SnapRemind has a flexible alarm system that makes it very simple to pick the
alarm time you want.  For example, you could set the reminder alarm at
   # Two hours from now
   # 10:30 AM Tomorrow
   # 8:00 PM next Sunday
   # 12:00 PM on the 7th day next month
   # 5:00 PM on the last Friday this month