2010年10月20日 星期三

Car Console

App Store URL:

Car Console is a dash camera that also provides useful driving information. Car Console is your best driving companion, because it can record video, show GPS map, and provide driving information, all at the same time!

- Dash camera
- Driving information
- GPS map
- Video playback


- The dash video camera
* It records what you see in the car
* You may share your travel experiences with your friends and family
* You may provide evidence if there is an accident

- Driving information
* Driving information is displayed translucently on the camera view
* The information includes
= Heading direction
= Car speed (in km/h or mph)
= Time
= Battery level
= Space left for video recording
* An LED flashlight switch (on/off/auto) (Only in iPhone that has an LED flash)

- GPS map
* The GPS map is also displayed translucently on top of the camera view
* Real-time tracking of your current location
* You may pinch the map to zoom to your preferred zoom level

- Recording and playback
* Car Console records video and driving information
* The video is played back with synchronous map and driving information
* It can record and play in portrait or in landscape
* The video recordings are also stored in the iPhone Photo album for easy access and sharing
* The driving information can be accessed via iTunes sharing

[Description in Chinese]
Car Console 讓您的 iPhone 變成行車記錄器.
本軟體可同時錄影, 顯示地圖, 顯示行車資訊, 是您的行車良伴!

- 錄影 + 地圖顯示 + 行車資訊顯示 同時進行, 一目了然!
- 可同步播放影音檔以及行車資訊


- 行車記錄器
* 可以錄下行車過程的影音
* 讓您可以與朋友分享旅遊的過程
* 若在路上有任何事件, 可以使用影音還原現場

- 行車資訊
* 行車資訊以半透明的方式顯現在錄影影像上
* 行車資訊包括了
= 車輛行駛方向
= 車速 (單位可為公里或英哩)
= 目前時間
= 剩餘電池容量
= 剩餘儲存空間
* LED 閃光燈開關 (有 LED 的 iPhone 才能使用)

- GPS 地圖
* GPS 也是以半透明的方式顯現在錄影影像上
* 即時顯示目前的位置
* 可縮放地圖的細節程度 (zoom)

- 錄影/播放
* Car Console 的錄影功能會儲存影像以及行車資訊
* 當播放行車影像時, 行車資訊也會同時顯示
* 支援橫向或直向之錄影及播放
* 錄影影像可選擇多儲存一份在 iPhone 的相簿
* 影音檔以及行車資訊可由 iTunes sharing 存取

* Dash camera view

* Dash camera with map

* Dash camera in dark environment

* Playback

* Playback with zoomed-out map