2010年7月19日 星期一

Audio Pacifier Pro

App Store link:

Audio Pacifier Pro plays soothing sound to make your baby happy. Download Audio Pacifier Pro now for a rainy day!

When your baby is upset, give Audio Pacifier Pro a try. It plays various sounds to distract your baby from a bad mood. It is very easy to use: Just one click and it plays soothing sounds continuously. There is a wide variety of sounds to choose from: Sipping, Tick, Ocean, Rain, Lullaby, Chirp, Forest, Frog, Cricket, Flushing, and Noise.

One of our programmers designed this app for his little baby, and it has been working quite well for them. We sincerely want to share this with you. We hope that Audio Pacifier Pro makes your baby a happy baby!

Audio Pacifier Pro is the enhanced version of Audio Pacifier with the following enhancement:
  • Playing sounds in the background. (available on iOS 4 multitasking-capable devices)
  • Extra sounds: Tick, Rain, Lullaby 2, Forest, Frog, and Cricket.
  • Shaking Bell: Turning your iPhone into a jingle bell.
  • No Ad.

* Reminder: If the sound is played too loud, it may hurt your hearing. Please avoid playing in high volume.

2010年7月15日 星期四

Audio Pacifier

App Store URL:

Audio Pacifier plays soothing sound to make your baby happy. Free download Audio Pacifier now for a rainy day!

When your baby is upset, give Audio Pacifier a try. It plays various sounds to distract your baby from a bad mood. It is very easy to use: Just one click and it plays soothing sounds continuously. There is a wide variety of sounds to choose from: Sipping, Ocean, Chirp, Lullaby, Flushing, and Noise.

* Reminder: If the sound is played too loud, it may hurt your hearing. Please avoid playing in high volume.

2010年7月1日 星期四

七乐彩包牌 Qilecai 7/30 Lottery Picker

App Store URL:

七乐彩包牌是最高效率的七乐彩选号工具! 只要 5 注就能选到 1 到 30 的所有号码, 让您不再错过任何一号. 快下载来把握您的好运气. 祝您幸运中奖!

七乐彩包牌是针对中国福利彩票七乐彩所设计的选号工具. 只要 5 注就可以选到 1 ~ 30 所有的号码. 除了自行选号功能, 七乐彩包牌能精密计算出与自行选号最佳搭配的 5 注推荐号码.

  1. 屏幕上半部是自行选号区, 屏幕下半部是电脑推荐区. 电脑推荐技术采用新式数学算法, 分析 5 注自行选号之后找出最佳搭配的 5 注推荐号码.
  2. 洗牌: 按下洗牌钮或晃动 iPhone/iPod 即可洗牌. 所有未锁定的号码会改变位置.
  3. 交换号码: 按任一号码直到呈现绿色 (如图中第一注 28 号), 再按另外一个号码即可交换这两个号码的位置.
  4. 锁号: 按任一号码直到出现金框, 即完成号码的锁定 (如图中第二注 5, 1, 6, 8). 锁定的号码在洗牌时不会改变位置.
  5. 整组锁号: 按下最右边的锁钮, 即可切换整注号码的锁定状态 (如图中第三注).

* 本软件只提供选号参考并不保证中彩.