2010年6月30日 星期三

Cover 59 Powerball Picker

App Store URL:

Cover all the 59 Powerball numbers and win! 100% coverage from 1 to 59. You will never miss a number again. Cover 59 is the best tool for Powerball players!

Cover 59 is a Powerball number picker to help you design an efficient Powerball ticket set with 100% coverage of all the numbers. Yes, it is 100% coverage from 1 to 59 with only 12 tickets!

Screen shot:

  1. Shuffle: Press the [Shuffle!] button or shake the iPhone to shuffle the numbers. All the unlocked numbers will be shuffled to form new tickets.
  2. Exchange position: Press a number until its color becomes orange (for example, 43 on the 1st row in the screen shot), and then press another number to exchange their positions.
  3. Lock on a number: Press a number until a red circle appear on the lottery ball (for example, 5, 16, and 8 on the 2nd row in the screen shot) to lock that number on the position. A locked-on number will not change position by shuffling.
  4. Lock on a ticket: Press a [Lock] button on the left to switch the lock-on status on and off for all the 5 numbers on that ticket (for example, the 3rd row in the screen shot).

Although Cover 59 provides 100% coverage from 1 to 59, it does not guarantee lottery winning.

2010年6月21日 星期一

大樂透包牌 六合彩包牌 6/49 Lotto Picker

[Update v1.0.2 2010/08/03]

Compatible lottery includes
* Taiwan 6/49 Lottery
* Hong Kong Mark Six
* Singapore TOTO

App Store URL:

是針對台灣彩券 6/49 大樂透所設計的包牌工具. 使用 9 組牌就可以包到 1 ~ 49 所有的號碼. 大樂透包牌同時適用於香港六合彩以及新加坡 TOTO.

  1. 洗牌: 按下"洗牌"按鈕或晃動 iPhone 即可進行洗牌. 所有未鎖定的號碼會改變位置.
  2. 交換號碼: 按任一號碼直到呈現綠色 (如圖中 18), 再按另外一個號碼即可交換這兩個號碼的位置.
  3. 鎖號: 按任一號碼直到出現紅框, 即完成號碼的鎖定 (如圖中第二組 5, 1, 6, 8). 鎖定的號碼在洗牌時不會改變位置.
  4. 整組鎖號: 按下最右邊的鎖按鈕, 即可切換整組號碼的鎖定狀態 (如圖中第三組).
  5. 設定忽略號碼: 壓住任一號碼約一秒鐘, 號碼球會變成白色進入忽略狀態. 再壓住一秒鐘即可恢復正常狀態. 本功能適用於新加坡 TOTO (1 - 45), 如圖中忽略 46, 47, 48, 49 四個號碼.

* 本軟體只提供選號參考並不保證中獎.